
Oh where to start….. I’m sure that you came here expecting for me to write about how I was born, straight out of the womb with a camera in hand, but…. sadly, that was not the case. I did, on the other hand, absolutely fall in love with art in general while in high school. I took a photography class, learned how to use my little Pentax camera and, even accomplished developing some of my own rolls of film.

But the real reason that you should hire me? It’s totally because I used to work for a company that did Glamour Shots in the 90’s. I even did the makeup. Which was clearly a mistake. You know what’s worse than a regular Glamour Shot? A Glamour Shot with 90’s hooker makeup. Not a good look for anyone. But it was a glorious time.

A few other nuggets about me:

I live on a small farm in Cornish, ME with my husband and 2 boys. We have 2 dogs (Otis & Pearl), 2 ferrets, 18 chickens (17 hens and a rooster named Olga), 2 mini pigs and 2 escape artist goats. So don’t be surprised if you see one wandering around when you get to the studio.

I was an 80’s metal head, turned punker kid. I’m still kinda a punker kid / metal head.

When I was a kid I took tap lessons until I was told that I had to dress up like a California Raisin for my recital. I quit that day. I still stand by my decision to quit right before my recital.

I’m a bit of a caffeine junkie. I can live off of Red Bull and coffee. The intervention is inevitable.